What is a Latter-Day Saint?

What is a Latter-Day Saint? Well you probably know us as Mormons, but its not the Church of Mormon, it's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. So what is a Latter-Day Saint? Well we're normal people, just like you. Sure we do have a lot of rules, but really these rules are made to free us, not restrict us. For example, one rule is to not date before the age of sixteen. That may seem like an impossible task, but really if you chose not to date now you would not experience unneeded heart break or risk your purity. So really all these rules are made to keep doors open, not close them. But even with all of that, we're just normal people trying to learn and grow while having a good time. This life is a journey striving to perfection and working back to heaven, but it's not a burden, life is fun! We enjoy having a good time just like anyone else! So for the third time, we're really just normal people. I think President Boyd K. Packer sums it up best with this:

A Latter-day Saint is quite an ordinary individual. We are now everywhere in the world, 14 million of us. This is only the beginning. We are taught to be in the world but not of the world. 17 Therefore, we live ordinary lives in ordinary families mixed in with the general population.
We are taught not to lie or steal or cheat. 18 We do not use profanity. We are positive and happy and not afraid of life.
We are “willing to mourn with those that mourn … and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places.” 19
If someone is looking for a church that requires very little, this is not the one. It is not easy to be a Latter-day Saint, but in the long run it is the only true course.
If you want to learn more about Mormons visit Mormon.org


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