
Hola hola,

It has been another good week. In the office we are moving things along for lots of missionaries to get their visas, but unfortunately the government is in strike, so it is incredibly difficult to get things done on our schedule. Oh well. Our other major responsibility is preparing the plans for the missionaries that will be going home this change. This Friday they will all be coming to Rancagua for a weekend of final events. We are also bringing a group of missionaries up on Friday to finish ther visa process and receive their ID. It can be really complicated to plan all that because we have to make sure that every missionary is not left alone and that they all get where they need to go. But we have been able to get things done well, and it has been pretty entertaining.

The normal missionary work is going pretty well too. Yesterday I was feeling kind of down before Church started for some unrelated reasons, but as everyone filled in the chapel I realized the impact of the work that we do here. Carina was there with her sons, a less active mother and daughter who we taught this week also showed up, and a full family of investigators also came. The father of that family, Julian, even bore his testimony for the first time and talked about how thankful he was for the missionaries always visiting him. It feels good to be able to invite others come unto Christ and actually see them do so. Christ has invited all come unto Him and countless blessings await us when we do so. As He said, "Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Try it and you will see.

Elder Richards


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