
Showing posts from April, 2017

No me avergüenzo del Evangelio de Cristo

Hello hello, Another week gone by. It has been a great one here! Honestly the last two weeks have been a bit slow, especially when it comes to finding new investigators. But the last three days I have felt more energy and certainty that people are waiting for us. Yesterday we found three new investigators as a result! And they were literally placed in our path waiting for us. It was incredible to have those miracles and be able to teach some new people and invite them to come unto Christ. I know that God prepares the path of the people and I know that in this week we have more people who are waiting to hear our message. As for Maria, she is doing well but still struggling with smoking. Any prayers you can offer for her behalf would definitely help. As for Ruben he came to church for the first time with us yesterday! He is kind of hesitant about progessing, but I know he wants to and we are going to be working hard with him. We also have been focusing on visiting members and helping the

Enseñar por el Espíritu

Hello, I never can think of how to start these letters anymore haha. After like 100 weekly letters, you start to run out of things to say.. But anyway, another good week here in Los Jardines. We are kind of struggling in finding new investigators, but I think the next week should be better for that. As for our investigator Maria, she is still trying to stop smoking, and we will probably move her baptismal date another week or so. But we had a really great lesson with her on Friday and explained clearly that she needs to pray to obtain a testimony in order to reach this goal. I have faith that she will be able to do so soon. It was kind of a slow week, but yesterday it finished with a really really great lesson with Ruben. He has always been kind of iffy, and hasnt done much action to show his interest. But yesterday it all kind of clicked and he realized that he needs to repent of the sins in his life, read the scriptures, pray, go to Church, etc. He even said that he will be baptised!

Principe de Paz

Queridos amigos, Another week gone by. This week was another busy one with lots and lots to do! Sometimes I feel like I dont even get to work in my own sector, but thats okay, I am enjoying everything. On Tuesday I was on exchanges in Alto Jahuel with Elder Terrazas. We had a pretty good day together there. On Wednesday, my companion and I both went to Rancagua to do exchanges with the assistants. It was weird to be back in the office and back in the same house I lived in. Immediately when I walked in the office everyone started asking me for my help again haha.. Then on Thursday I was in Hospital with Elder Haar. That was a very interesting sector because it is straight-up countryside. Just endless country roads winding around hills and mountains. It was pretty fun, except for Elder Haars flat tire on his bike. And then on Friday President and Hermana Harris came to Buin for interviews with each missionary. During the interviews, we did a training meeting with each district. Basically

La Conferencia General

Hello hello, I hope you all had a great week! This week was a busy one. On Tuesday I was in the town of Maipo on exchanges with Elder Rogers. Then Wednesday, we had zone training with all the missionaries and shared about working with members and the missionary schedule. On Thursday, we had exchanges again and I was in Paine with Elder Newell. On Friday I was not feeling too good and we had to stay home (but I am all better, dont worry!). And on Saturday and Sunday we enjoyed watching the General Conference in the district center. Of course General Conference was really great. I noticed lots of messages about who are God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. God is our loving Heavenly Father. He sent His son Jesus Christ to give us the example and sacrifice himself for us. The Holy Ghost is the messenger through which we can receive protection, warning, comfort, and testimony. I also enjoyed the many talks about being in the world, but not of the world. Christ invites us to come unto Him, but H