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I never can think of how to start these letters anymore haha. After like 100 weekly letters, you start to run out of things to say.. But anyway, another good week here in Los Jardines. We are kind of struggling in finding new investigators, but I think the next week should be better for that.

As for our investigator Maria, she is still trying to stop smoking, and we will probably move her baptismal date another week or so. But we had a really great lesson with her on Friday and explained clearly that she needs to pray to obtain a testimony in order to reach this goal. I have faith that she will be able to do so soon.

It was kind of a slow week, but yesterday it finished with a really really great lesson with Ruben. He has always been kind of iffy, and hasnt done much action to show his interest. But yesterday it all kind of clicked and he realized that he needs to repent of the sins in his life, read the scriptures, pray, go to Church, etc. He even said that he will be baptised! He was a bit reluctant to accept a date, but we are excited and are going to help him make and reach a goal. 

It really was a good lesson yesterday, and I realized that Elder Llavilla and I can teach really well together. He has a strong ability to testify and help the investigators feel the Spirit. I feel like I am not the best at that, but I am able to see the wbig picture and help direct the investigators to realizing their answers. So I felt like that with each of our unique talents, we were able to really help Ruben feel the Spirit and have a desire to change. It was great!

Today I found this scripture in DyC 79:1
Verily I say unto you, that it is my will that my servant should go again into the eastern countries, from place to place, and from city to city, in the power of the ordination wherewith he has been ordained, proclaiming glad tidings of great joy, even the everlasting gospel.
It is a GLAD message that we are sharing. I am happy to be able to share it with the people here.

- Elder Richards


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