Principe de Paz

Queridos amigos,

Another week gone by. This week was another busy one with lots and lots to do! Sometimes I feel like I dont even get to work in my own sector, but thats okay, I am enjoying everything. On Tuesday I was on exchanges in Alto Jahuel with Elder Terrazas. We had a pretty good day together there. On Wednesday, my companion and I both went to Rancagua to do exchanges with the assistants. It was weird to be back in the office and back in the same house I lived in. Immediately when I walked in the office everyone started asking me for my help again haha.. Then on Thursday I was in Hospital with Elder Haar. That was a very interesting sector because it is straight-up countryside. Just endless country roads winding around hills and mountains. It was pretty fun, except for Elder Haars flat tire on his bike. And then on Friday President and Hermana Harris came to Buin for interviews with each missionary. During the interviews, we did a training meeting with each district. Basically we were in the chapel from 11 am to 8:30 pm. It was a long day, but the meetings went really well. And our zone is really awesome, there arent problems between any companionship and everyone is working hard.

And finally I was able to work in my sector on the weekend with Elder Llavilla! Maria is progressing well towards her baptism on April 23rd! She has almost stopped smoking and has been to Church three weeks in a row now. She is a bit doubtful, but some members are really helping her out. We also have another investigator named Ruben who wasnt progressing much, but actually kept his reading assignment, so we are excited for his slow yet steady progress!

So that was the week. Next week should be a little more calm with more time in the sector. Things are going great here and I am happy to be where I am. In all that we do we should let the love of Christ motivate us. Only through Him can we find true peace and joy in our lives. In these weeks we have also been sharing with everyone a video from the church for Easter, titled Prince of Peace. To all of you I give the same invitation that we give to everyone we talk to, go to and watch a short 2 minute video about our Savior. From there learn about how you can find more peace and joy in your life through Him.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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