No me avergüenzo del Evangelio de Cristo

Hello hello,

Another week gone by. It has been a great one here! Honestly the last two weeks have been a bit slow, especially when it comes to finding new investigators. But the last three days I have felt more energy and certainty that people are waiting for us. Yesterday we found three new investigators as a result! And they were literally placed in our path waiting for us. It was incredible to have those miracles and be able to teach some new people and invite them to come unto Christ. I know that God prepares the path of the people and I know that in this week we have more people who are waiting to hear our message.

As for Maria, she is doing well but still struggling with smoking. Any prayers you can offer for her behalf would definitely help. As for Ruben he came to church for the first time with us yesterday! He is kind of hesitant about progessing, but I know he wants to and we are going to be working hard with him.

We also have been focusing on visiting members and helping them be a part of the missionary work. We have been seeing great results and faith on part of the members, and I am thankful for their efforts.

So it is the last week of the change. Wow, time flies. I will surely be staying here in Buin for my last change (wow), and we will see if my companion does too. The zone will be changing quite a bit for sure, because we have five missionaries going home this Friday. 

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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