
Showing posts from May, 2011

What is a Latter-Day Saint?

What is a Latter-Day Saint? Well you probably know us as Mormons, but its not the Church of Mormon, it's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. So what is a Latter-Day Saint? Well we're normal people, just like you. Sure we do have a lot of rules, but really these rules are made to free us, not restrict us. For example, one rule is to not date before the age of sixteen. That may seem like an impossible task, but really if you chose not to date now you would not experience unneeded heart break or risk your purity. So really all these rules are made to keep doors open, not close them. But even with all of that, we're just normal people trying to learn and grow while having a good time. This life is a journey striving to perfection and working back to heaven, but it's not a burden, life is fun! We enjoy having a good time just like anyone else! So for the third time, we're really just normal people. I think President Boyd K. Packer sums it up best with this:

Why Work?

Why is the human body inclined to work? Why do we do things that cause us to appear beet red and make our legs feel stiff  stale as logs? Well a variety of reasons come to mind. One could be to show off to others to show what you actually can do. But what if no one is watching? Well then it could be about showing off to yourself and proving you can do it. Another huge reason may just be to stay active. It sounds obvious when you say it that way, but that's really a big reason of why people work. It's almost human nature to sit around at home and check up on your Facebook all day long, accomplishing nothing at all! Isn't it so much easier to just sit around and do nothing? Well guess what, human nature doesn't apply to you. This body may want you to not do anything, but inside is a spirit that is created by God. With this spirit, the possibilities of what you could do are endless, but that's only if you do them. So to work is to fight against human nature, and to be


Life. We all take it for granted, but it's probably the greatest thing you have; it's the ability to live. To live is the ability to breathe, to laugh, to smile, to do anything! To live is the ability to be happy, so if you have the opportunity to be happy, why be sad? Life is short, so enjoy the precious time that you have. If you are sad now, you will be in the next life too. Live a life worth living that you can be proud of! I don't know, this post seems kind of awkward- just a string of motivational quotes on life. But remember, life is precious, enjoy every second of it.

What is a Friend?

What is a friend? In the world today it seems like everyone is your friend. You can just add them on Facebook and then you're instantly friends. But out of the 6,000 friends you have on Facebook, I doubt that your friends with all of them in real life. So if those 6,000 people aren't your friends, then what is a friend? Well the dictionary defines it as "a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection". So is that a friend? Still that doesn't seem to fit the  definition . A friend is someone who will always stand by you.  Whether you are sad, happy, or whatever a friend will always be there to stand by your side. Also a friend won't get mad at you, no matter what. Friends are inseparable, they  could throw shaving cream at your face, but your wouldn't even care. So really a friend is someone who you can always rely on to always be there for you. This is the ideal definition and not all friendships are perfect, but no matter what ha

Eternal Perspective

Who are you? You are a person on this earth living your life. But aren't you much more than that? Think about the eternities surrounding this minuscule amount of time on earth, and how you have been alive before and will be alive after this earth life is through. Even though these eternities exist you can only tangibly see what is on the earth now. So to our bodies happiness is equated to the events of our earthly life. The desire of a human is to be happy now, and of course that is reasonable. But really think of the grand eternities that lie in store for you, the eternal happiness that awaits you after completion of life on this earth, just think for one second about that. Is a moment of "fun" that could jeopardize your eternity really worth it? Of course I love to have fun, who doesn't? But just remember who you are, you're a son or daughter of God! You were made for the eternities, for everlasting happiness. But it's not free of charge. Keep your head hig

NFL Lockout and Greed in America

The NFL makes a total of 9.2 billion dollars per year. Yes, 9.2 billion! So with such a large income, why is it that the players are being locked out of doing their job by the owners? What's up with that? With people out on the streets, out of a job, why is it necessary that these millionaires must argue over such a large sum of money? I understand that they need to work out where all this money goes, but all the arguing isn't necessary. These responsible representatives of one of the most popular sports leagues in the US should be able to work out a deal without injections of greed into their discussions. But all this greed reflects the greed present in America as a whole. Across all platforms, people argue about money and power while missing the important things of life. If people took more time for family, Church, volunteering, and many other worthy pursuits then the world would be a much better place.

Mother's Day

Remember that time when you couldn't get to sleep? Remember that time when you scraped your knee? Remember that time when you missed the bus home? Well, so does your mom because she was the one who came to your rescue on each of those occasions. This Mother's Day take a chance to just sit down and remember all that your mom has ever done for you. Just think of the sacrifice made just for you, even though you may not appreciate it! But thinking isn't enough, thank your mom every single day for what she does and thank God every single day for the mom you have.

NBA Playoffs

To sum up the NBA playoffs in one word, i would have to say- awesome. For years the Lakers and Celtics  have dominated the playoffs, with a few up and coming teams with a shining glimmer of hope interspersed throughout the playoffs (see Orlando Magic 2009). But this year it's all different. Both the Lakers and the Celtics are down 2-0 to the Mavs and the Heat, respectively. And also what was that with the 8th seeded Grizzlies beating the number 1 seed Spurs, and now tied 1-1 with the Thunder! That's what makes this year's playoffs exciting- the upsets. The major powerhouses that every minor fan picked to win, are struggling to win games against teams that no one has ever heard of. The upsets give these playoffs a feeling akin to March Madness. No longer are any games predictable, any team left in has a fighting chance to win it all (yes, including the Grizzlies). So just sit down and watch a game that you can actually enjoy!

The World Today

Everywhere you ever look today, the world is changing. Where many sins were shunned and horrific, they are right before our eyes today. Sin and squalor are all around at almost all angles. At some times, one can feel as if there is no hope and we are consigned to the woe around us, but that is not true. The truth is that the rising generation is the hope. We can be the best we want to be and make this world a better place. Think of your friends, your family, your potential, who you can become. Never give up hope, that is the one thing that is constant. Life can get better, but it's up to us. Sorry for rambling, I just felt like I needed to say this. “Why do we need such resilient faith? Because difficult days are ahead. Rarely in the future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. Each of us will be tested. … Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth.” —Elder Russell M. Nelson

Reflections of a Smart Kid

Woo! First post! So, welcome to my blog. I'll try to occasionally update it with my thoughts on life, sports, school, etc., etc. So if you would be so kind as to check back on the blog every once in a while, it would be much appreciated. And if I'm extra boring, tell me!