Step by Step

     Your morning probably starts with a loud beeping penetrating your left ear, or maybe the radio suddenly clicking on and blaring the latest song. Either way, you feel around on the clock to find where to turn that annoying noise off. Then you grudgingly pull off the covers, plop your feet down on the floor, and take a step. Then another, and another, and another. Throughout the day, you take your steps across your home and school, across the practice field for your team, across the store, and just about everywhere else. Then your day culminates as you pull on your pajamas and take one last step into bed.
     Steps are the little ways of progression to get where we need to go. One step won't get you far, but a series of steps will lead you to wherever you need to go. At times you don't want to step anyway, it may seem to laborious of a task to get from point A to point B. At other times, the desire to get somewhere new puts a certain spring in your step that quickly propels you along.
     Life is made up of little steps. We don't become a better or worse person over night, but we become what we are from the steps we have made. At times we loosen our relationship with God and begin to veer off the good path. At other times we strive to do all that we are asked and come closer to him. Little choices determine our ultimate character. It would do us all well to think about every decision, or step, that we make in life. Is it making me a better or worse person? And if your answer is the latter, you better think twice about your next step because every step counts.


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