Future You

     In 1979, President Jimmy Carter said, "For the first time in the history of our country the majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years." Since then, a sea of statistics have rushed out citing the downward fall of youth groups in America, and the increasing crisis of their future. Graduation rates have plummeted, the national debt has sky-rocketed, and many other detrimental statistics have been released. The slew of negative studies makes one long for the days of childhood, where life was carefree and tasks were menial. The future has been painted as a destitute time of despair. But forget all of that, the future is still a blank canvas. It is unique in the fact that it is the only time where we do not know what will occur. The projections show life becoming worse and worse, but that's not the way it needs to be.
     In these early years of our life, it's important to define who we are. It's a time where we learn the knowledge we need for the future, both temporally and spiritually. Obtaining an academic education is a huge necessity for even living in the world ahead. Supporting yourself and your family is almost impossible without the proper education. But also important is the spiritual things to learn. For most kids, it's hard to find out whats really true when it comes to religion. The pressure of many religions to automatically accept their views is tough for many. It's important for us all to find out what is really true. A young Joseph Smith did this as a boy, and found out for himself that none of the churches in his time were true. He formed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints under God's direction. We need to learn the proper values and put them into ourselves now.
     In the future, it will all be up to us. We will radically change the world in ways that aren't even thinkable. The world will become infinitely better because of our virtuous works and values. These things are entirely possible, if only we try our hardest to make the future a better world than we have now.


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