Savior of the World

     Happy Easter to everyone!     This is one of the greatest times of the year, it is the time where we celebrate the most important event in history- the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. At our Church this weekend, there was put on a performance of Act II of the play "Savior of the World." This play was produced in the year 2000 by the First Presidency of the Church as a testament of Christ and His life. Act II presents the time immediately following the death of Christ. Inexplicable grief is over the disciples of Christ as they mourn the fact that He has died. Mary Magdalene is grieving when Christ appears to her in the garden. At first she does not recognize Him, but when she feels it in her heart, she knows. Christ appears to others, and they as well do not recognize Him, except until they have felt His words in their hearts. The Apostle Thomas proclaims that he cannot believe Christ has risen until he has seen Him. When Jesus does appear, "[He said] unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (John 20:29).
     Many in this modern world have lost the faith and desire to come to know Christ. Many teach that He is not real, and that it would be impossible for a man to live again. No matter what the world teaches, it is true that Christ lives today. He lived and died and lives again for us. Unlike Thomas and the other disciples, most of us will not have the opportunity to see Christ, but it is not seeing that causes believing. Many have seen the works of God in their own lives through miracles and blessings, yet choose to ignore the presence of Him. Believing is obtained through the process taught by the prophet Alma, one which includes obtaining a desire to believe, then acting on that desire to believe, letting it grow and "it will strengthen your faith" (Alma 32:30). In the play, Thomas sings that "If I can't hear His words then I will speak them. If I can't feel His touch then I will give. And I'll rejoice because my Lord called even me and by His teachings I'll always live."
     We must take the courage of Thomas, one faced with the struggles of whether Christ lives or not. We all must find this out through our faith. Study the words and life of Christ in the Bible and Book of Mormon, feel His teachings and emulate His life. Serve others. Strive to do good always. Come to know Christ now to be ready for when He comes again. He died so that our lives may have purpose. He died that we may live, and He lives too.


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