You're life isn't bad, so don't make it that way.

I feel like everything I post on this blog is really the same thing with just a few superfluous big words added here and there. See, I just used a big word in that last sentence. I'm constantly writing the same things because it feels like I have a constant cycle of just a few small things about myself or about people in general that annoy me so much! Not that I want to complain or anything, I just hope that the low number of people that actually read my blog can maybe get a little bit of motivation from what I write.

   Well after that amusing anecdote, lets hear about the one thing that annoys me more than all else- happiness. No, I'm not a Scrooge. I actually love to be happy! But what annoys me is that a lot of people don't share that same love. We're all faced with trials and hardships, and yes we all have those times where it feels like the world is ending and we just want to give up. Everyone has moments when naturally, they are just sad. But the thing that seems to be sweeping most teenagers is a constant sadness over petty little things. Like "Oh my parents wouldn't let me hang out with my friends one time." or "Boo-hoo I have no one to text." Just little things like that are so pessimistic, and right about now you probably feel like I'm just condescending and rude. Well maybe if this was a text or something I could put a p-shaped face to lighten the mood. But no faces here. The thing is, we all have fairly good lives and the root of most of our sorrows is the magnification of our insignificant problems, like "making a mountain our of a molehill" if you will. Things will not always go as planned, but in life we just have to roll with the punches and make the most out of every situation. What I'm really trying to say is just be happy! Sadness isn't cool and when your sad, everything seems a little less fun. Have fun, and be happy. It's the simple solution to sadness!


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