Well guys, this is my 100th post on Reflections of a Smart Kid. On May 5th 2011, I posted the first entry with the following paragraph:

     "Woo! First post! So, welcome to my blog. I'll try to occasionally update it with my thoughts on life, sports, school, etc., etc. So if you would be so kind as to check back on the blog every once in a while, it would be much appreciated. And if I'm extra boring, tell me!"

     My blatant awkwardness never ceases to amaze me. Oh well. Except for one early post about the 2011 NBA playoffs, most of my entries have taken on a more inspirational aspect of things. But what if I, for some reason or another, didn't have those other 99 posts to deliver the messages I would want people to hear. What would I say if I had one post to tell it all. Well, more or less, I'm going to try to write what I would say in one post. Bear with me.
     About two weeks ago at school we got our 2011-2012 yearbook and of course, the annual signings followed thereafter. Looking through my book, I've found more than a few references to the fact that I'm a Mormon. Being one of only a handful of Mormons at my school, I kind of get labeled as "the Mormon." And by now hopefully everyone knows that I don't have more than one mom and will not have more than one wife in the future. But when you're "the Mormon," people know what your standards are. (Especially after one of your friends gets hold of a For Strength of Youth pamphlet and shows it off to everyone.) So, obviously I believe in what the Mormon church teaches, and I try to follow it. Of course, I can't expect everyone to be a Mormon just because I believe that. But what I do expect from everyone is to find what they believe and to hold strong to it. Never back down from your values or standards because of what someone else is doing.
     If everyone just stuck to their values, the whole world would be such a better place. The problem with the world today is that proper morals and values are becoming part of the minority. Just about anywhere, one can see the constantly deteriorating values across society. Throughout the year at school, we have extensively studied the subject of world history. And of course, history is written from the perspective of the victors. The major peoples of the world, like the Chinese dynasties or the Roman Empire, ruled vast amounts of land and greatly spread their influence. But occasionally, there were unlikely rulers. The nomadic Mongols swept across Asia and ruled nearly the entire continent. How could a small group of nomadic tribesman rule one of the biggest areas in the world? Similarly, how can the dwindling group of virtuous people in this world stay strong? Well the Mongols success story comes from an uncanny skill of horseback warfare among the people. In the world today, what is the skill of good people that are trying to make a difference?
     Well, among the many things that set apart those who live righteously and those who don't is happiness. Those who follow the ways of the world appear to have the most fun and have everything they want. But when it comes down to true joy, those who stick to their morals have the most happiness. When a problem comes along, those with a positive outlook on life will take everything with a happy attitude. The different problems encountered each day are not means to ruin an entire day, week, or year. Shortcomings and mistakes do not lead to a lifetime of misery. Because righteous people are happy and have hope.
      Hope is sprung from the Savior of us all- Jesus Christ. He died for us, and because of that we have hope. Daily mistakes are all part of the learning process. The righteous of the world are those that constantly refine themselves in the light of the Savior. We don't have to do anything that is too hard for us to do. If we all banded together and maybe did things a little bit better, maybe virtue and light wouldn't be in the minority. Maybe the next generation can be even better than the last. But even if it's not, we can be better individually. We will not be compelled by the world to do bad things, if we trust in the Lord and we try our hardest. Let's go to work.


  1. Your grandpa Richards is right ...you are one smart dude!

  2. And THIS is why I'm mourning the fact that EFY probably isn't possible this year...ugh. Brian, just keep being awesome, okay? It gives me hope when I see an awesome Youth like you. You rock!


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