Living beneath your capacity

     Time is one of the few things that we have no ability to ever take back. There can be no way to rescind what you have done in the last second, minute, day, hour, year, or lifetime. With the abundance of blessings in the form of technological advancements and other devices designed to save you time, you think we would all do our best to live each moment of our days to the fullest. However, we squander our time in ways that bring no lasting blessings or happiness. Fear or laziness compel us to stick within our own sphere and not venture out into new territories. "Maybe I would do that, but I don't know how to." "Maybe I would do that but I don't have time."
"For all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"
     - John Greenleaf Wittier 
     Too often we live beneath our capacity in our day to day lives. Many of the things we accomplish on a daily basis add nothing to our lives for good. If those who lived fifty years ago knew that we now have handheld devices with access to limitless information, I wonder what their reaction would be to find out that these devices are used often to look up funny pictures of cats (I actually stole this from somewhere, but I forget where...). Are we doing our best each day to make everyday the best? (I made that one up all by myself! Yay.)
     When we look back on our lives in the future, will we be satisfied? Will we know that we have accomplished the things we wanted? Even so, will we feel this way at the end of each year, month, week, or even day? Hopefully, we can feel accomplished everyday.
    There are times to look up pictures of cats, but there are more important times to pursue our goals and dreams, to be the people we want to be. I know for a fact that when we put in an effort, we will be blessed. Live up to your potential.


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