The Words of Nephi

The last writings of the great prophet

"For what I seal on earth, shall be brought against you at the judgment bar; for thus hath the Lord commanded me, and I must obey. Amen." - 2 Nephi 33:15
Thus ends the writings of Nephi. Throughout the first 117 pages of the Book of Mormon, we see Nephi grow from a boy and change into one of the great prophets of the world. It is fitting that Nephi's last written statement is "I must obey." His life was filled with patterns of obedience and humility. He understood the will of God and he followed it as exactly as he could.

Starting as a boy "born of goodly parents" (1 Nephi 1:1), Nephi quickly becomes a leader among his family as he committed to "go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded" (3:7). The Lord tests him and changes him with difficult tasks, even to the point of killing a man for the greater good (4). His father sees the famous vision of the tree of life, which Nephi expounds on through his own revelation. He receives this through desire, then belief the Lord would reveal it unto him, then a time of pondering (11:1). After this he is a changed man, and truly a prophet of God. When his family complains of their hardships in the wilderness, Nephi took action and inspired them to righteousness (16:23). We then see the first commandment given directly to Nephi, not Lehi, when the Lord instructs him to build a boat to cross the oceans (17:8). Nephi receives instruction for this in degrees and follows the Lord's commands. He leads his family into the promised land and serves as prophet and king over them in righteousness (2 Nephi).

The story of Nephi is incredible and inspiring. It can touch and change your life. Towards the end of his record, Nephi writes that "when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men" (2 Nephi 33:1, emphasis added). Nephi wrote with the power of the Holy Ghost, and if you read with true intent, it will be brought unto your heart. It is up to you to open up and let the words into your heart. These prophets are real people, and can be to you if you do what they did. Their words are true and will bless your life.


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