Turn to the Lord

Finding Help in our Trials

"Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith. 
Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people." - Mosiah 23:21-22
Life can be pretty overwhelming sometimes. In this last stretch before Thanksgiving, it seems like every teacher is trying to cram a week's worth of work in before Tuesday. You also have to work 20 hours a week, attend to family obligations, somehow maintain a social life, and find a little bit of time for sleep. With all of this, it can be easy to let stress consume us and give us a negative attitude. (Plus your favorite football team losing another game in the 4th quarter is rough too.) Without the right perspective, we try to handle everything on our own and forget that God is there to help us.

In the book of Mosiah, a group of people led by Zeniff depart from the Nephites and live in the land of the Lamanites. After a whole series of events, the people end up split into two parties- that of Limhi and that of Alma. Both of these groups were subjected to the Lamanites. Both had great reason for stress and despair. However, these two groups responded very differently and therefore had different results.

The people of Limhi tried to fight against the Lamanites three different times, and each time failed miserably. Between these times they did not think to ask for help from the Lord, but instead attempted to face these battles on their own. Only after they "did humble themselves... and cry mightily to God" (Mosiah 21:14) did the Lord eventually help them to overthrow the Lamanites and escape their bondage. All in all, these people spent about 24 years subjected to the Lamanites.

The people of Alma made a very different story with their actions. When faced with danger, they immediately did "cry unto the Lord that he would soften the hearts of the Lamanites" (Mosiah 23:28), and the Lord did. These people were also delivered out of bondage, but after a very short time period.

Each day we struggle with different things. There is so much we need to do and so much we need to be, and the tasks can seem insurmountable. It can be a lot easier to browse Reddit or Yik-yak instead of doing what we need to. Procrastination takes away our stresses from the immediate moment with distraction, but the continual delay of our obligations puts us in further bondage to our tasks. When you are overwhelmed, don't turn to the internet for amusement, turn to the Lord for relief. He knows your problems and wants to help you. All you have to do is ask, and He will answer you. Put your trust in Him, and be lifted above your burdens.

Have a great Thanksgiving. Remember God's role in your life and try to make somebody else's life better.


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