
Hola hola!

It has been a good week. I am getting a better handle on figuring out how to plan and lead the sector. Some days it is hard to fill all of our time effectively, but there is always something important that we can be doing, and Im figuring that out.

So one strange thing that happened is that our mission president, Presidente y Hermana Warne, had to return to the United States two weeks ago so that he could do a surgery on his kidneys. Everything went well and they will be coming back on Thursday. But in the meantime we still need a mission president, so the area presidency called on Presidente y Hermana Wilhelm (former Seventy from the south of Chile) to be the interim president. We had a zone meeting with them this week and they gave us a good message about a variety of missionary topics. One important thing was to be super specific in planning because through that the Lord can bless you with success. So kind of weird to have a different mission president for these three weeks, but son cosas que pasan, as the chilenos say.

In the missionary agendas there are lots of Indicadores Claves (key indicators) such as lessions taught, new investigators, referrals, etc to measure progress. About a month ago our mission officially threw those out and simplified everything to: baptisms and confirmations, investigators with baptismal dates, investigators in the sacrament meeting, and investigators/converts/less-actives going to the Temple or doing family history work. It was kind of a weird change because these seem like big picture things that are hard to measure progress each day. But we are using it, and it is bringing more focus on the things that really matter in the work.

One awesome family that we are working with is Karen and her pareja Jose and her kids Javier, Cristian, and Anita. Javier and Cristian are recent converts and super great. We have been working a lot with Javier and yesterday he decided finally that he wants to go on a mission! So awesome. The rest of the family arent members, but recently Anita and Karen have started going to church again and have really desires to get baptised. We are working hard with all of them, and I think we will see success.

Anyway, its been a pretty good week. Its hard work, and tiring, but I am learning and growing a lot. Today Im glad to have P-day and a bit of a break.

Have an awesome week!

- Elder Richards


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