¿Que es Thanksgiving?


Hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving at home. For us in Chile it was just another day, and Black Friday doesn´t exist either. For Thanksgiving we didn´t even have lunch with any members and I made guacamole and burritos in the house. Not quite a Thanksgiving meal, but it was a good day.

Anyway it has been a great week. Anita is progressing well towards her baptism on the 13th and yesterday we rode the micro with her and her brother Javier to the Stake Conference in Talca. Last night we also watched "Conozca a los Mormones" (Meet the Mormons) with their family, and it was really great. That is a powerful movie and really sheds light on what makes us tick as members of the Church, and how to find the most purpose and joy from life. 

Another great family we are working with is the Rojas-Valdes family. We first contacted Victoria using church records, because her mom is a less active from much time back. When we shared the Book of Mormon with Victoria she read what we assigned and shared it with her family, and they even looked up pictures of the Salt Lake Temple. Later we taught about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of Temples, and they were very interested. We are working with them to put a baptismal date for the end of December, and I hope we can continue to see them progress.

One thing I focused on this week was the power and authority of missionaries. On Friday I did divisions with Elder Vasquez, and although he has one change less than me in the mission, he teaches with a lot of power and authority. As missionaries we are literally called by God and His Prophet to preach the gospel in our assigned areas. We can have the Spirit and change peoples lives, as the sons of Mosiah in Alma 17:2-3

This weekend was also Stake Conference in Talca and it went really well. Lots of powerful messages about how we need to be as members in the latter days. 

Hope you all have an awesome week! This Wednesday we have a Christmas mission conference which should be awesome, and next Monday we are going to visit the Cordillera. Should be another great week.

- Elder Richards

​Thanksgiving lunch!


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