
Hola a todos,

It was a great last week of the transfer here. We finished it off with Maria´s baptism yesterday! She was definitely a golden investigator. We got a random call about 2 months ago from her saying that she wanted to meet with the missionaries. We were a little skeptical of course, but went to her house, taking the micro out to Aurora. She found our number via the chat feature on mormon.org. Everything we taught she was super interested in and has been eager to learn everything. Finally yesterday she took the step of baptism! I did the baptism and it was a cool experience. A great way to end the transfer.

Speaking of transfers, I am staying in San Clemente! But Elder Bustamante will be going to Tupahue in Rancagua. My new companion is Elder Chaves from Brasil and he comes into San Clemente tomorrow. Hopefully we get along and he wants to work hard. It has been a great time with Elder Bustamante and I have learned a lot. With this transfer my training has officially ended as well, so now I´m not even a new missionary. Yesterday I turned 4 months on the mission, crazy.

Not too much else out of the ordinary going on. We have been helping a Hermana take all the grass (weeds) out of her yard in preparation for her moving houses. Nobody has a nice yard here.. We also did a Noche de Hogar with a great less active / part member family. We showed the Church video "Only a Stonecutter" (Tan Solo un Cantero).

I am excited for this next transfer and hope I can see more success in San Clemente!!

- Elder Richards


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