Feliz Año Nuevo!

Hola hola,

Hope that everyone had a great New Year´s. It´s not really an exciting missionary holiday, because we have to be in the house early and go to bed at 11:30. We got to stay with the zone leaders in Curicò so that was kind of fun. They live in a fifth floor apartment, but our windows faced away from the fireworks... Oh well.

But I always like new years as a time to set goals and resolutions. I spent some time thinking about goals and things I want to accomplish and I challenge you all to do the same! Make simple goals that you can measure (not just "be healthy," but rather "excercise 20 minutes a day" for example), and you can reach new things.

I hope you all have a great year. This will potentially be the only year of my life that I never step foot in the US and tie a tie every single day. Wow. Remember that wherever you are is where you are supposed to be. In Psalms 118:24 it says

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it

So just remember to be happy and rejoice in the day that you have! Have a great week!

- Elder Richards


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