Los Cambios

Hola hola,

So this Saturday we got the call for transfers. I will be staying in Molina B, and my compañero is going to another ward in Curico. To replace him, Elder Anuarve from Argentina will be coming as my new companion. I dont know him, but hope that we can work well together. This last transfer wasnt the most productive, but we made a good pool of investigators and should be able to progress well during the next 6 weeks.

The highlight of this week was the worldwide missionary broadcast from Salt Lake that we got to watch live on Wednesday. It was amazing to hear from Apostles (Elder Oaks and Bednar) and to think that I have friends on 5 different continents who are missionaries and were watching too! There are 75000 young people around the world teaching repentance and baptizing converts, which is really incredible to think about. I am super thankful for the opportunity to be a missionary, and I know that this is Gods work.

Elder Richards


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