
Showing posts from February, 2016


Also I don´t know how I forgot to write about it, but we had an awesome broadcast from Elder Bednar from Buenos Aires for all the missionaries in Argentina, CHile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. He told us to get a pen and paper, but to not write down anything he said, rather write the ideas and thoughts that the Holy Ghost brought to our mind. The broadcast was 2 and a half hours and he used the whole time asking questions to missionaries or letting them ask questions. The whole thing was a pattern of how we can use inspired questions to help our investigators learn and progress. He said a lot of the time we play "Guess what´s in my head" and ask questions with a specific answer, but to help others learn we should ask things that make them think and be better. It was a really great meeting, and I learned a lot. This Church is guided by Apostles and Prophets, just like the Church of Jesus Christ in the times of Christ. Elder Richards

Deja que el Espìritu te enseña la verdad

Hola familia y amigos! Espero que hayan tenido una buena semana. Everything in Molina is great. This week Karina didn´t progress as much as we hoped and we are going to have to move her baptismal date until the end of the month. She didn´t make it to church yesterday, but we´ll get her there next week! But yesterday we had another investigator named Hector attend Church, which was an awesome miracle! Hector is an investigator from about a year ago, but he went to live in Concepcion for a while and lost contact. But two members went and knocked on his door the other day, found him, and then brought us on Thursday. We taught a little bit and he said he would definitely be in Church this week. He doesnt seem to have any major problems, so we are going to try to teach him everything and help him towards a baptism at the end of this month. When the members help in missionary work, miracles happen! Apart from that everything else is good. This week flew by and this Saturday we are going to h

¡En la Iglesia!

Hola hola, It´s been a great week here in Molina. The weeks have really been flying by this transfer, and in just two more weeks we´ll have another change. Wow. But we are working hard and trying to get things done here in Molina. This week we worked especially hard with our investigator Karina and everything lead up to her attending church with a friend yesterday!! We were super excited to have her at church and she really enjoyed it. In preparation for that we introduced her to members and taught about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the word of wisdom, and the law of chastity. Karina is only 27 years old, but has a lot of trials in her life and has been going trhough a lot of difficult things. Just recently she separated from her husband, and is trying to support her and her 11 year old son with the store that she owns. The Gospel has helped her a lot so far, and she has the faith to keep learning. She is on track for baptism March 6th, and we hope she can keep that date. We do

Fwd: El Libro de Mormòn

Hey there, Don´t be alarmed, it is indeed Thursday and not Monday. But supposedly the missionary email system crashed on Monday, and the emails I sent may or may not have arrived. So we have time today to resend our emails. I dont think there were any problems with my email, but I´ll re-forward everything anyway. Have a great week, and we´ll talk again Monday! - Elder Richards --- Hello everyone, It has been a pretty good week. A lot of our investigators are kind of stalling and none of them went to Church this week, so we are going to try hard to progress them this week and get everyone to church. We were able to teach Luis about the Word of Wisdom and he is willing to quit smoking and drinking, so hopefully we can help him out with that. Also we have been working hard with Karina, although Saturday was her birthday and she couldn´t go to Church after being out super late. But she has desires to be better and still had the baptismal date of March 6th. Today I finished reading the Book

El Libro de Mormòn

Hello everyone, It has been a pretty good week. A lot of our investigators are kind of stalling and none of them went to Church this week, so we are going to try hard to progress them this week and get everyone to church. We were able to teach Luis about the Word of Wisdom and he is willing to quit smoking and drinking, so hopefully we can help him out with that. Also we have been working hard with Karina, although Saturday was her birthday and she couldn´t go to Church after being out super late. But she has desires to be better and still had the baptismal date of March 6th. Today I finished reading the Book of Mormon, which was a nice accomplishment. I´ve read it many times before, but this time I read it in Spanish and all of it out loud. There is a promise from President Hinckley that God will bless you more with the gift of tongues if you do that. Really the Book of Mormon is such a powerful book, and testifies so clearly of Jesus Christ and His gospel. There are so many powerful

El Cerro de Curicò

Hola familia, Life is going well here in Molina. This week we have been working really hard and trying to put baptismal dates with our investigators, we currently have four. One investigator that we have is Karina and she is super prepared to accept the Gospel. She owns a store that we always pass by to buy something to drink or take a break, and she has been going through a lot of trials in her life. She doesn´t really know anything about God or religion so we have been teaching her, and she is really interested to change and be better. She couldnt get to church yesterday because she was sick, but we are working hard to help her. Today for P day we did a small hike up the Cerro de Curicò (Curico Hill) and played capture the flag and ate chorripan. It was a good time, and I´ll put a picture. But yeah the work is going well in Molina and I am having a good time with Elder Anuarve. This week we also had interviews with President Warne, and he came with his wife to our house so we had to


Hello everyone, It has been a great week here in Molina B. The work is going really well with my companion Elder Anuarve. He has 13 months in the mission and is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studies journalism and is a great, hard-working missionary. This week we have had a lot of success. Basically the two main focuses in our mission are baptisms and helping people go to the Temple. This week we have started working with Luis and Carmen a lot to get help them stop smoking and keep the Word of Wisdom. So far they are improving, so we are going to keep working. And yesterday we put baptismal dates with Maria and Mena, two new investigators. On Saturday we really really were working to put baptismal dates, but didn´t have much luck. As we passed one house, I thought instantly "You can put a baptismal date here." I almost ignored the thought but decided to contact it anyway. We talked to Mena, and she told us to come back Sunday. She was very receptive and accepted to be bapt