El Cerro de Curicò

Hola familia,

Life is going well here in Molina. This week we have been working really hard and trying to put baptismal dates with our investigators, we currently have four. One investigator that we have is Karina and she is super prepared to accept the Gospel. She owns a store that we always pass by to buy something to drink or take a break, and she has been going through a lot of trials in her life. She doesn´t really know anything about God or religion so we have been teaching her, and she is really interested to change and be better. She couldnt get to church yesterday because she was sick, but we are working hard to help her.

Today for P day we did a small hike up the Cerro de Curicò (Curico Hill) and played capture the flag and ate chorripan. It was a good time, and I´ll put a picture.

But yeah the work is going well in Molina and I am having a good time with Elder Anuarve. This week we also had interviews with President Warne, and he came with his wife to our house so we had to do some major cleaning beforehand... But it is very clean now. I live with a great group of missionaries and with all 5 of them being Latinos, I speak and think a lot more in Spanish, which is fun.

My only complaint this week is that Chile just updated their phone system and now you have to put the area code of 9 in front of every cell phone number. So now every time I call someone, my phone gives me a notice to do that, and we have been changing all our contacts. Ugh, it´s really annoying.

But other than that, life is good. Have a great week!

Elder Richards

​Not the best picture, but here we are



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