
Hello everyone,

It has been a great week here in Molina B. The work is going really well with my companion Elder Anuarve. He has 13 months in the mission and is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studies journalism and is a great, hard-working missionary.

This week we have had a lot of success. Basically the two main focuses in our mission are baptisms and helping people go to the Temple. This week we have started working with Luis and Carmen a lot to get help them stop smoking and keep the Word of Wisdom. So far they are improving, so we are going to keep working. And yesterday we put baptismal dates with Maria and Mena, two new investigators. On Saturday we really really were working to put baptismal dates, but didn´t have much luck. As we passed one house, I thought instantly "You can put a baptismal date here." I almost ignored the thought but decided to contact it anyway. We talked to Mena, and she told us to come back Sunday. She was very receptive and accepted to be baptised on February 28th! This week we have plans to put a lot of more people to be baptised on that same day.

Also this week we helped a recent convert Valeska prepare names for baptisms in the Temple. She should be able to go to the Temple in Santiago this Saturday, which is super exciting!

As a companionship we have a goal to have every appointment we teach with a member accompanying us. Lessions with members are way better, because it is not just two foreign missionaries teaching. Plus it helps the members grow their own faith. In the ward we have 6 ward missionaries, and 4 are youth, so we are going to really try to work hard with them.

Anyway, it is going great here. Four other missionaries live in our house: Elder Bernal from Mexico, Elder Montoya from Mexico, Elder Melo from Brazil, and Elder Agurto from Peru. Again I am the only gringo, so I am speaking spanish 24/7. We all get along well, and it is a great time.

So yeah, that´s the start of this transfer. Looks like it will be a good one. Attached is a picture of me with my new companion and a new tie that I got in a box from home.

Have an incredible week and remember that God is your loving Heavenly Father!

- Elder Richards


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