Fwd: El Libro de Mormòn

Hey there,

Don´t be alarmed, it is indeed Thursday and not Monday. But supposedly the missionary email system crashed on Monday, and the emails I sent may or may not have arrived. So we have time today to resend our emails. I dont think there were any problems with my email, but I´ll re-forward everything anyway. Have a great week, and we´ll talk again Monday!

- Elder Richards


Hello everyone,

It has been a pretty good week. A lot of our investigators are kind of stalling and none of them went to Church this week, so we are going to try hard to progress them this week and get everyone to church. We were able to teach Luis about the Word of Wisdom and he is willing to quit smoking and drinking, so hopefully we can help him out with that. Also we have been working hard with Karina, although Saturday was her birthday and she couldn´t go to Church after being out super late. But she has desires to be better and still had the baptismal date of March 6th.

Today I finished reading the Book of Mormon, which was a nice accomplishment. I´ve read it many times before, but this time I read it in Spanish and all of it out loud. There is a promise from President Hinckley that God will bless you more with the gift of tongues if you do that. Really the Book of Mormon is such a powerful book, and testifies so clearly of Jesus Christ and His gospel. There are so many powerful examples that I want to live up to. I hope to be a missionary as powerful as Ammon or Aaron, a leader as strong as Captain Moroni, a youth as diligent as the stripling warriors, and a servant of God as observant as Moroni. Really the Book of Mormon is the most powerful book and anyone who reads it will feel of it´s truthfulness. I invite all of you to read at least the introduction and see what it is about.

Included are photos of Taco Tuesday and a selfie with this guy who sells salads from his bicycle while shouting "Ennnnnnsaladas!!" Have a great week!

- Elder Richards


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