
Also I don´t know how I forgot to write about it, but we had an awesome broadcast from Elder Bednar from Buenos Aires for all the missionaries in Argentina, CHile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. He told us to get a pen and paper, but to not write down anything he said, rather write the ideas and thoughts that the Holy Ghost brought to our mind. The broadcast was 2 and a half hours and he used the whole time asking questions to missionaries or letting them ask questions. The whole thing was a pattern of how we can use inspired questions to help our investigators learn and progress. He said a lot of the time we play "Guess what´s in my head" and ask questions with a specific answer, but to help others learn we should ask things that make them think and be better. It was a really great meeting, and I learned a lot. This Church is guided by Apostles and Prophets, just like the Church of Jesus Christ in the times of Christ.

Elder Richards


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