
Showing posts from May, 2016

La Misiòn Chile ¡Rancagua!

Hola todos! So we got the changes. And keeping with my pattern of only having all my companions for six weeks, I am moving to another sector with a new companion! I am going to Recreo, which is a ward right in the center of Rancagua (which is the biggest city in the mission). So finally I get to experience the mission in a city, I´m pretty excited. I have loved all my other sectors, but I am pretty tired of traveling all the time. My new companion will be Elder Silva. He is from Brazil and only has one transfer in the mission, so I will be his trainer too! I´m pretty excited to be training, and hope I can help him out as a new missionary. My companion here is staying in Las Cabras and he´ll be training too. So we figure we did something really good or really bad this last transfer to be both training now. Anyway, it was a great 3 months in Las Cabras. I have really learned how to trust in God and let him lead us. This change we found 35 new investigators, which is a lot. A lot of them

Subiendo el Cerro

Hola hola! Its been another great week, but today was a particularly great day! So here in Las Cabras, theres just a giant hill right next to town. We have always kind of wanted to climb up, but never knew where to start. We were talking with a friend on Saturday, and he told us where the trailhead was, so we decided to go for it. We went with Elder Waters (my MTC companion) and Elder Vasquez (who I lived with in San Clemente) and climbed up the hill today! It was a super steep "trail" but it was way fun. The view from the top was incredible! We could see Las Cabras surrounded by crop fields and the valley on the other side full of other crops. It was super cool. We did a little barbecue on top and had a great day. I would send pics but Im on a ghetto computer and I dont know if I trust putting my camera in. Im always good for an analogy, so maybe our little hike can be an analogy. In life we have to enjoy the journey and remember our goal. It was a steep climb, but we wanted


Hola hola, This week we have had a pretty good week. There have been ups and downs but we are working hard. We were about to put baptismal dates with 4 different people, which is always a positive moment, but already some of them are facing big challenges and doubting what they want to do. So yeah, the work goes up and goes down pretty quickly. But we are working hard. One really cool guy that we found is Juan Carlos. He is 20 years old and actually lives in a nearby little town called Quilicura. But he works in Las Cabras during the week. We found him at his work, and he let us in twice this week to teach him a bit. At first he didnt seem too interested, and just like a normal person. But we started to ask him about his relationship with God and stuff and he told us that his grandpa died when he was a kid, and he hasnt been close to God since then. But he told us that he wants to be closer to him and wants to hear us. He is very sincere and accepted a baptismal date of June 11th. He i

Dios prepara a las personas

Hey everyone! I hope you have had a great week, this week went really well for me (and went by very quickly!). One of the highlights of course was talking to my family via Skype yesterday for Mothers Day! Im glad that I had the chance to do that, and of course I am thankful for my eternal family.  This Wednesday I went on splits with Elder Edwards in San Fernando, and we had a super great day. Elder Edwards is from Alpine, Utah and only has two months left in the mission. I have known  him my whole mission, so we are good friends, and it was great to work with him. We  basically had planned to contact all day with the goal to get into at least one house. On our very last contact, we found a guy named Gastón, and he let us in! I was feeling pretty good once we got in, but then this guy completely surprised us. He just started talking about his beliefs and  brought up baptism by himself, and how he really likes that we should be baptised in the same way Jesus Christ was. He also said he

A Goat!

Hola hola, Hope that everyone has had a great work. We are continuing to work hard here and had a pretty good week. Today we played soccer and ate quesadillas in Pday so that was nice. We are continuing to work with Rodrigo and Katy, the family from San Clemente. They havent accepted a baptismal date yet, but are thinking about it. Rodrigo had kind of a rough childhood and doesnt feel that he has much of a spiritual side. But he also wants a good life for his family and is recognizing the importance of following Jesus Christ. We shared the Book of Mormon and they are goign to read a part we left and pray. I hope they can receive answers and follow the truth.  We are also working with Romerindo and Gina, who are about 70 years old. They are Catholic and love having us over. They are very nice, and always willing to listen to us. Gina is having a hard time accepting the fact that we should be baptised by the authority of God, and we are going to teach the Restoration to help