
Well, it's that time of year again! I love the Christmas season. Everything just feels merry and bright in my eyes. However, for the next few weeks at least I am here in Utah, where everything seems to also be cold. I guess for most people winter and snow are the best part of Christmas, but I greatly prefer 85 degrees and 100% humidity. Luckily, I'll be able to escape to the tropical weather for a few weeks during winter break.

Anyway, it may sound cliché, but I really do love the feeling of this time of year. It's a time where we can do our best to take down the barriers we have and show love to one another. During the last week or so, I have been remembering how things were this time last year on my mission in Chile (as for the weather, it thankfully was at about 85 degrees). It was a very busy time for my companion and I in the mission office as we tried to organize Christmas zone conferences, prepare the mission Christmas video, maintain all our other office responsibilities, and go out and do missionary work on top of all of that. It was a stressful time, but a time that I will always cherish.

During that time, we made it our goal to share the #LightTheWorld online campaign with everyone that we talked to. This special initiative on mormon.org featured 25 ways that each one of us could serve others and spread light during the 25 days leading up to Christmas. This year, the same program has been published again on mormon.org, with new videos and ideas. Take a few minutes to watch this video:

That is what this time of year is all about. And really, that is what our lives should be about year-round. The source of all light is our Savior Jesus Christ, and when we turn to Him, we reflect that light to all who we interact with. Doctrine & Covenants 88:67 says:
And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.
I think it's possible that I have been reminiscing about my mission for the past few weeks because that was such a happy time, and now I don't always feel the same joy with all the responsibilities of life. I have come to realize that the mission was almost never easy either (in fact, it may have been harder than everything I am doing now), but it was a joyful time because I spent all of that time in the service of my God and my fellow-man. That's what brings us joy. Regardless of your religious beliefs, you know that you can find joy in serving others. Each one of us has felt that. I had the great opportunity to feel that almost constantly for two years in Chile, and it was awesome. However, the only thing keeping you or I from serving others and feeling that same joy right now is our own stubbornness or apprehension. In this time, make an effort to be a light and serve others. As you do so, you will be filled with that same light and feel joy and peace. Visit ComeUntoChrist.org and find a way each day in this month and beyond to light the world and your your own life.


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