Counsel in Prayer
Solving problems with the Lord
"Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this. We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men." - Ether 3:5The book of Ether in The Book of Mormon covers an entirely separate people than the preceding books. This short account contains the record of the Jaredite people, who came to the promised land much earlier than the Nephites. Before they could travel to the Americas, they had some problems that the brother of Jared brought to the Lord for His consideration. In their barges they lacked light, air, and the ability to steer.
The Lord helped solve these problems in different ways. Obviously, the most pressing problem was a lack of air. The Jaredites were provided a direct answer to this problem as the Lord instructed them to make holes that could be plugged and unplugged for air. Sometimes, God will just tell us what we need to know and do. Concerning steering, the Lord told the brother of Jared to not worry about it. Sometimes, God will take care of our issues and do what is best for us.
The most interesting situation was when the brother of Jared asked for counsel in receiving light in the barges. God told him certain solutions, like windows, that would not work, but left the solution mostly open-ended for the brother of Jared to solve. Sometimes, God wants to test our abilities and trust in Him. The brother of Jared thought for himself, and decided to molten 16 clear stones. His plan was for the Lord to touch each of these and light them with His finger. This solution seems far-fetched and odd, but the brother of Jared had incredible faith and trusted that God would do this.
When we turn to God, we might not always get the answers we expect. Sometimes God wants us to grow and stretch ourselves, so the answers won't be as obvious. From his experience, the brother of Jared physically saw God through His large amount of faith. When we receive counsel from the Lord and act, we will receive blessings and growth from Him. Our Heavenly Father is always looking out for us, and provides opportunities where we can grow. Take those, and become the person you are supposed to be.
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