
Hello hello,

This week we had 85 people in sacrament meeting, a new high for my time here. (Probably because of my great talk on the Sabbath last week. Just kidding). But it was a great turnout, and from our sector we had 10 less active members, 4 converts, and 5 investigators in attendance. On Monday we had a noche de hogar with a family that includes two wayward youth, and committed them all to be on Church on time. We picked them up on Sunday morning and the kids were even in white shirts and ties. It was a good Sunday for us.

On Saturday we had a branch activity celebrating September 18th and October 12th (just a little late). We were at the Church almost the whole day, and we had a great turnout from members, investigators, and less actives. It was a fun day full of ping pong, futbol, games, and lots of food. We had tons of asado, choripan, empanadas de pino, roscas, and mote con huesillos. Mote con huesillos is probably the weirdest thing I have had here so far, I´ll include pictures. It was a great activity on Saturday.

This week is the last week of the transfer. We find out Saturday who moves and who stays. Elder Bustamante have high goals and plans for the week, and hope to have a lot of success. Also Maria is getting baptised this Sunday, and is super ready. Definitely a golden investigator! 

Have a great week!

- Elder Richards

Huesillos, which are old dried peaches, left to soak and cook for a while with sugar and cinnamon and chancaca

Huesillos, basically like wheat or something

Mote con huesillos. A traditional Chilean drink


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