
Hola Hola,

Another week down in San Clemente. It has been a good week, and General Conference was awesome. 

This week we did a lot of contacting again, which I am not very good at.. I can never think of how to just start conversations with people, but I am working on being better at that. Maria is progressing well towards her baptism on October 17th, and this week we taught her the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity (luckily no problems there).

Conference was great of course, and even more special as a missionary. We watched at the Stake Center in Talca. There was an English broadcast in a room upstairs for all of the gringo missionaries. Being in a city and going out between sessions reminded me of being in Salt Lake last year for conference. My favorite talk was the first one from President Uchtdorf. His advice to ask ourselves if we are making our discipleship too complicated and to ¨start where you are¨ was very comforting. I also loved the talk from Elder Allen D. Haynie, which is now one of my favorite explanations of the Atonement. Our perceived shame and embarassment over repentance literally does not matter, all we have to do is repent and just make our lives right. I also loved the talk from Elder Devin G. Durrant about ¨ponderize¨ and hope to apply that. And Elder Holland gave a great talk about how much we all owe to our mothers.

Anyway, if you missed any of Conference, I invite you to watch it. And if you saw it all, study it again. The Church is led by true Prophets and Apostles today. 

Have a great week!

- Elder Richards


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