Football (Americano)

Hola a todos,

Today we played football (the American kind) for P-day, hence the email subject. It was a good time. Chile is a great place, but definitely missing out on American Football.

But anyway, it has been a good week here in San Clemente. These past few days we have spent a lot of time having members accompany us for lessons. It is hard when you get people to go out and then can´t get in to visit anyone (that was usually my experience with the PL elders..) But I really like having members with us, as it strengthens them and us. Since the branch is pretty small,. we are actually assigned as Home Teaching companions with the Elders quorum presidency, and we did work with that this weekend.

Also I gave a talk in sacrament meeting yesterday. It´s kind of weird to think that I can talk for màs o menos 15 minutes straight in Spanish with no problem. The Spanish has actually been really good lately. Living with Elder Vasquez has helped a lot, as I have to talk and listen to Spanish to communicate with him. But anyway, my talk was about the Dìa de Reposo (Sabbath Day) and it went very well. One of my favorite scriptures about that is Isaiah 58: 13-14

13 ¶If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, fromdoing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath adelight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honourhim, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine ownpleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
 14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I willcause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, andfeed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for themouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

This week it rained a lot, which is generally not fun when you are walking around. One investigator family provided us with socks, and an umbrella and new shoes for Elder Bustamante midway through the day. But we saw a super bright arco iris (rainbow) one day.

Also Maria is looking set to get baptised on October 31st, hopefully that all works out! 

Have a great week!

- Elder Richards

​Gigantic flag at the San Clemente City Hall

​My cool agenda, decorated with the Santiago Temple


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