
Showing posts from August, 2016


Hola hola, So I am here with my brand new companion, Elder Everett from Mesa, Arizona! He is a great missionary and excited to be out here. He didnt know any Spanish at all before the mission, but can already talk and understand pretty well. Of course it is hard for him to understand the Chileans (they speak very very quickly), but he is catching on.  On Monday night we had a meeting with all of the trainers, and then on Tuesday all of the new guys got here. After the meeting, Presidente Harris told Elder Everett and I that he really knew that we should be together as companions. It is amazing the revelation he can receive for the whole mission, and I know he is inspired in his decisions. Elder Everett is a great missionary and we are working hard. We had kind of a slow week because we are in the process of trying to find new investigators. We havent had much luck yet, but we have a lot of people with potential, and have a few appointments for tonight and tomorrow. Also, this Sunday we

Chaves de Nuevo

Hola hola, So this Thursday my companion Elder Schley wrapped up the mission and headed back home. For the weekend I was put with Elder Chaves, who also lost his comp (to an office position). Elder Chaves was my companion in San Clemente about 8 months ago, so it was pretty great to be with him again. However we had kind of a hectic weekend running all over Rancagua to cover both of our sectors, a Capilla Abierta in another ward, etc. But it was a good time. Today we will continue running around Rancagua, because the transfers came and I will be staying in Recreo and training a brand new missionary! Tonight we have a meeting for trainers, and tomorrow all the new kids arrive and I will hear who my new companion is. I am super excited to be training and a little nervous, but ready for the challenge of having a brand new missionary. I am excited. So yeah, next week I will let you all know who my companion is. I am excited and hoping to have a great week. Today I was reading

Cosas Simples y Sencillas

Hola hola, This week I found a scripture that I like in DC 90:24 Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly and remember the covenant wherewith ye have covenanted one with another. God doesnt ask us to change the world. He always asks us to do the small and simple things, such as search, pray, and believe. If  we do that, He will bless us in all aspects of our lives. So on Thursday, my companion is finishing the mission and going home. From then until Tuesday I will be in a trio with some other elders who are losing their companions. Then next Tuesday are the transfers and I will be with a new companion. I am excited and hope that goes well. Also this week we had an interesting experience by visiting a guy from Orlando, Florida. That doesnt happen every day.. He is a pastor, but is very supportive of the Mormons around the world. I felt like I was in our ward at home talking to this guy i

Fe como un grano de mostaza

Hola, Its been a good week here. This Wednesday we went up to Buin to present the Capillas Abiertas and they loved it and are on board to get it started. On Tuesday we will be down in Curicó. Also, the very first Capillas Abiertas in our mission took place on Saturday here in Rancagua in the Villa Teniente branch. It was a great event and everything went well. During the event, we were out on the streets with all the missionaries of the zones to contact and invite people in. It was a good experience. This is a great program and I am glad we can be a part of it. It will be taking place here in Recreo in the beginning of September, which should be a great opportunity for us to find new people. Carina and her son Camilo (who were baptized) are still doing great. They are really such an inspiration to me. Yesterday in Testimony Meeting at church, Camilo bore his testimony and talked about how his teacher in music class started making fun of Mormons, so he spoke up and defended his beliefs.

Como un grano de mostaza

Hola, Its been a good week here. This Wednesday we went up to Buin to present the Capillas Abiertas and they loved it and are on board to get it started. On Tuesday we will be down in Curicó. Also, the very first Capillas Abiertas in our mission took place on Saturday here in Rancagua in the Villa Teniente branch. It was a great event and everything went well. During the event, we were out on the streets with all the missionaries of the zones to contact and invite people in. It was a good experience. This is a great program and I am glad we can be a part of it. It will be taking place here in Recreo in the beginning of September, which should be a great opportunity for us to find new people. Carina and her son Camilo (who were baptized) are still doing great. They are really such an inspiration to me. Yesterday in Testimony Meeting at church, Camilo bore his testimony and talked about how his teacher in music class started making fun of Mormons, so he spoke up and defended his

Chevrolet Spark

Hola hola, Its been a decent week here in Recreo. This Wednesday was my birthday, woooo! It was a pretty good day. In the morning we had zone meeting and everyone sang and I got some desserts. Most of the rest of the day was normal, but we also spent time visiting Carina and Camilo, which was nice.  The rest of the week went well too. Somehow we did exchanges three days in a row this week. The best one was when I got to be with Elder Bustamante, my first companion, on Thursday! He was up in Rancagua for a zone leader meeting and we got to do exchanges after, which was great. I havent seen him since November, so it was great to work together for a day. And as for the title of my email, Elder Schley and I decided to count Chevrolet Sparks one day while we were on exchanges. He found 104 and I found 53. Now every time we see one we just automatically say "Spark" haha. Anyway, things are going pretty well. Have a great week! Elder Richards ​Yo y Elder Bustamante