Chevrolet Spark

Hola hola,

Its been a decent week here in Recreo. This Wednesday was my birthday, woooo! It was a pretty good day. In the morning we had zone meeting and everyone sang and I got some desserts. Most of the rest of the day was normal, but we also spent time visiting Carina and Camilo, which was nice. 

The rest of the week went well too. Somehow we did exchanges three days in a row this week. The best one was when I got to be with Elder Bustamante, my first companion, on Thursday! He was up in Rancagua for a zone leader meeting and we got to do exchanges after, which was great. I havent seen him since November, so it was great to work together for a day.

And as for the title of my email, Elder Schley and I decided to count Chevrolet Sparks one day while we were on exchanges. He found 104 and I found 53. Now every time we see one we just automatically say "Spark" haha.

Anyway, things are going pretty well. Have a great week!

Elder Richards

​Yo y Elder Bustamante


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