Como un grano de mostaza


Its been a good week here. This Wednesday we went up to Buin to present the Capillas Abiertas and they loved it and are on board to get it started. On Tuesday we will be down in Curicó. Also, the very first Capillas Abiertas in our mission took place on Saturday here in Rancagua in the Villa Teniente branch. It was a great event and everything went well. During the event, we were out on the streets with all the missionaries of the zones to contact and invite people in. It was a good experience. This is a great program and I am glad we can be a part of it. It will be taking place here in Recreo in the beginning of September, which should be a great opportunity for us to find new people.

Carina and her son Camilo (who were baptized) are still doing great. They are really such an inspiration to me. Yesterday in Testimony Meeting at church, Camilo bore his testimony and talked about how his teacher in music class started making fun of Mormons, so he spoke up and defended his beliefs. Then the entire class exploded and basically started attacking him. But he held firm and spoke what he knows is true. At the end of his testimony he said "I will never regret being baptised. I know this is true" It was really touching. Also, his mom Carina is seeing miracles from her faith. When she was baptised, she could hardly walk because of her hernia. Well last week she had an x-ray and there is no more hernia. Like it disappeared somehow. The doctor doesnt know how to explain it. But she knows that it is a blessing from God. She still has some pain from nerve damage, but is so much better and can walk normally.

Right now I am reading through the New Testamant and I really like a scripture in Matthew 17:20

If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Maybe most of you dont believe you could move a mountain by your faith. Honestly I dont really think I could either. But I know that by our faith we can move the metaphorical "mountains" of our lives. God knows our problems and our afflictions. He knows the problems of Carina and Camilo and he is helping them. He knows your problems and wants to help you solve them. If you just have a little faith, you can see miracles. I know that is true and I share this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Richards 


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