Chaves de Nuevo

Hola hola,

So this Thursday my companion Elder Schley wrapped up the mission and headed back home. For the weekend I was put with Elder Chaves, who also lost his comp (to an office position). Elder Chaves was my companion in San Clemente about 8 months ago, so it was pretty great to be with him again. However we had kind of a hectic weekend running all over Rancagua to cover both of our sectors, a Capilla Abierta in another ward, etc. But it was a good time.

Today we will continue running around Rancagua, because the transfers came and I will be staying in Recreo and training a brand new missionary! Tonight we have a meeting for trainers, and tomorrow all the new kids arrive and I will hear who my new companion is. I am super excited to be training and a little nervous, but ready for the challenge of having a brand new missionary. I am excited.

So yeah, next week I will let you all know who my companion is. I am excited and hoping to have a great week. Today I was reading in the missionary handbook about leadership and it said that "a leader maintains an eye single to the glory of God and works hard during his entire mission." I feel like the time flies faster and faster every day (I already have 14 months??), and I hope to make every second count.

Elder Richards


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