¡Un asaito!

So the Spanish word for barbecue is "asado," but if you are Chilean you would say it as "asaito." (And depending on how you are saying it you may even say "asaito-po.")

But that is the title of my email, because we had many asados this past week. Sunday was the Independence Day of Chile, so the whole country was in party mode for 4 days (everything was closed yesterday, so that is why I am writing this letter today). But we were treated to asados with members on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and even had a mini asado with missionaries yesterday. I think I would be okay eating salad for the next few weeks.... But we had a good weekend. It is not a good time to get much work done, but we took advantage of the time visiting members and relaxing a little bit (and we even got a referral out of it, and possibly a few more).

Yesterday we went to Machalí to a big festival they had for the holiday. I bought this super cool balsa wood model of old Chileans singing on a bench. I am proud of the purchase. Picture attached.

Also this week we had a super cool zone conference with Elder Allan Packer of the Seventy. He talked about faith and shared Moses 3:5. God visualized everything before he created the world. Likewise we need to visualize what we want to acheive and have the faith to work for it before we can obtain it. I like sports analogies and I thought of Roger Bannister, who was the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Nobody thought it was possible, but he visualized it, worked like crazy, and did it. Since then many other people have attained that goal. The only difference between Roger Bannister and the rest of the world is that he imagined he could do it, while nobody else thought so. We can do the same in our lives and acheive whatever we want to. We can see miracles if we trust in God enough to help us. 

As it says in Ether 12:12

For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.
Have a great week!

Elder Richards

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