¿Hay para Dios alguna cosa difícil?

Hola hola,

So theres a story that I have heard that I really like and want to share. I am not sure where it is from (possibly President Uchtdorf), so if anyone knows, let me know.

But yeah, so the story goes that a boss hired a worker and gave him the job of pushing a gigantic rock. That was his only task, to push this gigantic boulder. So the worker gets up and goes to work and spends all of his energy pushing the rock. He sweats and works, trying his very hardest, but the rock doesnt move an inch. The next day he tries again, using all of his energy, but it doesnt move at all. He tries again day after day after day, but he just cant get it to move.

So after a few days, the boss comes to see what has happened, and the rock hasnt moved at all. The boss called in his worker to talk with him, and the worker comes in with his head hanging down, sure that his boss will be angry. So the boss sits him down and asks how the job went. Of course the worker is dejected and replies that he couldnt move the rock.

"Well," replies the boss. "I never asked you to move the rock. I asked you to push it. I know that you tried your best every single day, and that is all I expected of you."

Surprised, the worker went away happily with his pay. Sure he could not move the rock, but he never gave up in pushing it, and because of that he was rewarded.

That is what God expects of us.

For the past month or so, I have been pushing the rock without any movement. We have had a rough time finding people and having success. But I know that we have done our best. In Doctrine and Covenants 88:73, the Lord says "I will hasten my work in its time." As missionaries, we dont advance the work. God does. We are here to try our hardest and invite everyone to come unto Christ. Sometimes nobody will accept, but if we do our part, we can be happy.

So it has been a rough going lately, but I know that the Lord blesses us too and that with His help, we can "move the rock." We found a cool new investigator who accepted a baptismal date, and yesterday an entire family of old investigators came to Church. I know we didnt do that alone, and I know we cannot keep doing it alone. 

As it says in Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I know that to be true.

So yeah thats my message. Today we ate lunch in a place called Juan y Medio that was basically the Chilean version of Cracker Barrell. And this Sunday is independence day in Chile, so that should be fun.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards 


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