Los Mini-Misioneros


Wow this week went by very quickly. We are still pushing the rock here and trying to get things moving.

This weekend in our ward we had a mini-mission activity for the youth. It turned out to be a great success. On Friday they were trained in a mini-MTC, then on Saturday they had their studies and went out to work and talk to as many people as possible. They did things in the missionary fashion (eating lunch with members, waking up and going to sleep on time, dresssing in shirts and ties, etc.) and had a great experience. Last night we had a closing fireside and it was super inspirational to hear the testimony of all the youth that participated. Almost all of them said that if they could they would leave today to go on their missions. It made me realize that I need to appreciate more the time that I have here. Even though some days we dont see much progress in anything, every day is an opportunity to share the Gospel with children of God.

This weekend is General Conference, which will be a great opportunity to hear the words of living prophets and apostles. Jesus Christ established His Church so that we could be instructed by men who have the authority of prophets, seers, and revelators. Saturday and Sunday is a chance to hear from them. Watch online and listen to a prophet speak to all the world here

Have a great week!

Elder Richards

​The mini-misioneros with Presidente y Hermana Harris


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