
Showing posts from October, 2016

El Libro de Mormón

Hola hola, It has been a good week here. I am settling into the new routine and everything is going well. I wont go into the details of all the office stuff, but we mostly do the odds and ends that are necessary to run the mission. A lot of the things we do are actually pretty similar to things we had to do in high school to run robotics. On Tuesday we traveled to Santiago for some visa things, and it was cool to be there again. It felt weird to walk around the CCM and outside the Temple. We also got to take the metro and travel through part of Santiago, it was neat. On Friday we also participated in the Mission Leadership Council that includes all the Zone Leaders and Sister Coordinators. The group set goals for the mission and it was inspiring to see the vision that President Harris has for the mission. It is cool to be able to participate in lots of mission events, see lots of missionaries, and travel to other places. This week we have been able to get out to our sector a lot more t

The Office

Hola hola, Yeah it is only Saturday, but today is our Pday. Next week I will be back to Pday on Monday. It has been an interesting week working as the secretary. We are still working out how to balance the office responsibilities and normal missionary work, and we havent been able to do much normal missionary work so far. This week there was a special training for various parts of the mission on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, so we were involved in many behind-the-scenes things for those meetings. For example, on Tuesday and Wednesday we drove Presidents Chevy Traverse to pick up 30 pizzas for everyone. We have been able to do some other things, mostly typical office work so far. The special training for the mission was pretty great too. President talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon in our work, and I hope to be able to share this important book with everyone. I really like a scripture from 2 Nephi 33:10 Hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe n

Cambios cambios

Hola, Hope that you have all had a great week, it has certainly been an interesting one here. This week I was able to do two exchanges with the zone leaders and with the elders from my district and they were a great experience. On Wednesday I went with Elder Alves (the zone leader) to his sector and we had a really powerful day. That morning we had learned in our zone training the importance of testifying of companion. Honestly, I always thought it was kind of cliché to say things like "I testify of the words of my companion," and dont think I had ever said that before. But, we tried hard to apply that on Wednesday and our lessons were very powerful. One investigator was skeptical, but even thanked us for our passion and unity. Elder Alves and I had never worked together before, but we really had the Spirit guiding us. If you think about it, this prinicple is evident in the Scriptures. Jesus Christ always testifies of the Father, and the Father always testifies of Christ. Whe


Hola hola, It has been a good start to another change here in Recreo. I feel like I have been here forever, but it is nice to stay in the same sector. We have been able to teach some more people this week and things are going well. It has been going well being a district leader as well. On Wednesday, I taught class on being a succesful missionary and the importance of setting goals. On Friday, all the district leaders had a special conference with President Harris and the Asistants. It was really powerful. Presidente Harris really has a vision for the mission and I know that depending on our faith and effort, we can see miracles. I hope I can do my part well. We talked partly about praying with faith. Faith is both belief and action, so when we pray we shouldnt just ask for what we need, but we should also tell our Heavenly Father what we will do. "I ask thee for this.... I will do this...." That is showing our faith, and God will be able to bless us more. Have a

Ambicioso en Cristo

Hola Hola, Hope that you have all had a great week and that everyone enjoyed General Conference. We had a good weekend here an I enjoyed all the talks. I really liked the talk from Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita about being "ambitious in Christ."  If we truly are ambitious in Christ we can face our challenges with patience and faith, finding joy in them. I also really enjoyed talks by Elder Oaks and Elder Andersen about member involvement in missionary work. I really hope that everyone can apply their suggestions and share the Gospel with all people. We had three investigators come to the last session yesterday, which was great. Also after the session we taught a super solid part-member family for the first time. Things are rolling along here. And thankfully, I will be staying here in Recreo for another transfer with Elder Everett! That will make at least six months in the sector, but I am glad to be staying. Also this transfer I will be a district leader, which means that I will b