Ambicioso en Cristo

Hola Hola,

Hope that you have all had a great week and that everyone enjoyed General Conference. We had a good weekend here an I enjoyed all the talks. I really liked the talk from Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita about being "ambitious in Christ."  If we truly are ambitious in Christ we can face our challenges with patience and faith, finding joy in them. I also really enjoyed talks by Elder Oaks and Elder Andersen about member involvement in missionary work. I really hope that everyone can apply their suggestions and share the Gospel with all people.

We had three investigators come to the last session yesterday, which was great. Also after the session we taught a super solid part-member family for the first time. Things are rolling along here. And thankfully, I will be staying here in Recreo for another transfer with Elder Everett! That will make at least six months in the sector, but I am glad to be staying. Also this transfer I will be a district leader, which means that I will be overseeing a few other missionaries and helping them in the work. That includes teaching a class every week and also interviewing people that will be baptised. Should be interesting, and I hope it all goes well.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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