
Hola hola,

It has been a good start to another change here in Recreo. I feel like I have been here forever, but it is nice to stay in the same sector. We have been able to teach some more people this week and things are going well.

It has been going well being a district leader as well. On Wednesday, I taught class on being a succesful missionary and the importance of setting goals. On Friday, all the district leaders had a special conference with President Harris and the Asistants. It was really powerful. Presidente Harris really has a vision for the mission and I know that depending on our faith and effort, we can see miracles. I hope I can do my part well. We talked partly about praying with faith. Faith is both belief and action, so when we pray we shouldnt just ask for what we need, but we should also tell our Heavenly Father what we will do. "I ask thee for this.... I will do this...." That is showing our faith, and God will be able to bless us more.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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