El Libro de Mormón

Hola hola,

It has been a good week here. I am settling into the new routine and everything is going well. I wont go into the details of all the office stuff, but we mostly do the odds and ends that are necessary to run the mission. A lot of the things we do are actually pretty similar to things we had to do in high school to run robotics. On Tuesday we traveled to Santiago for some visa things, and it was cool to be there again. It felt weird to walk around the CCM and outside the Temple. We also got to take the metro and travel through part of Santiago, it was neat. On Friday we also participated in the Mission Leadership Council that includes all the Zone Leaders and Sister Coordinators. The group set goals for the mission and it was inspiring to see the vision that President Harris has for the mission. It is cool to be able to participate in lots of mission events, see lots of missionaries, and travel to other places.

This week we have been able to get out to our sector a lot more to do normal missionary work, and we have found a better balance. The time we have in the sector is short, so I think we are doing better at taking advantage of al the time that we can. Our mission president is really pushing everyone to share the Book of Mormon with everyone we talk to. Yesterday we contacted a woman and she talked about her beliefs in prayer and God, so we talked about our beliefs, then shared about the Book of Mormon and the promise that it includes in Moroni 10:4

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

I know that promise is true. I know the Book of Mormon is a true book and that it can help any person draw closer to God more than anything else can. After sharing this scripture, we gave a copy of the Book of Mormon to this woman that we contacted. She was shocked that we wanted to give it away to her and said she would read it. I know that what we are sharing is true and can change the life of anyone. If you have never read it, read it and it will bless you.

Elder Richards


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