Things that Matter Most

I felt like I had one thing to write about today, but then I say this video and my thoughts seemed to go the other way, but I want to talk about both somehow. Bear with me. But first watch this video.

That my friend was an inspirational video with slow motion, happy music, and quotes interspersed throughout. But I'm sure you see the message. Sometimes we get caught up in life, and sometimes we're doing things just to please everyone else or focusing on things that have little value in the grand scheme of things. It would do us all good to take a step back and consider what the important things in our life are. Are the things we're doing really making us better people or are they just causing stress and anguish? Christ remarked to His followers that they should, "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin." (Matthew 6:28) The simple creations of God are not burdened with life's troubles so heavily that they fall under the weight of it. Reconsider your priorities, put first things first, eliminate distractions, take part in the moments that matter most. You will regret times that you were too preoccupied to take part in a family game or discussion. Clear up your time and priorities, keep what is good, and eliminate the excess. You will be happier. Consider the lilies.


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