
Today in chemistry we saw a picture of a horseshoe. That shows you how exciting chemistry is... Anyway, it was being super heated by a blacksmith and was obviously very hot. Throughout it's use, that little horseshoe probably got scuffed up, and became uneven. Yeah, I'm making an analogy about a horseshoe, live with it. Anyway, that horseshoe became imperfect and throughout our lives, we too become imperfect through the wear and tear. When we're born, we're perfect little babies. We wear little baby clothes and wear little baby shoes and are just so dang cute, but that's beside the point. We're perfect and go through life making mistakes, and doing stuff that kids do. Then eventually we're baptized and become perfect again. But then what? We keep going through our days and making mistakes, but how do we become perfect again? It's not like we can just be re-baptized! Well, it takes some effort, and you've got to work. One of my favorite quotes is by M. Scott Peck, "The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." Life is hard and we fall into ruts a lot. We do the same things everyday, and although we seem busy, we're not really accomplishing much. Sometimes, we have to use our will and just lift ourselves out of the dust. We have to forge a new path, be a trailblazer. Change your life in a lot of little ways. Reorganize your backpack, join that team or club that you really want to, find new friends, text less, get off Facebook, whatever I don't really care what it is. I seem to write a lot about change. Maybe because it's really easy to write about, or because it applies to me. But maybe because it's the most important choice in life. Every single day, you have to wake up and choose to be different! Choose to be the kid who is better. Those kids you see who are happy choose to be happy. They don't have an easy life, they have their own problems. But they put those aside and do the things that they need to do with a smile. Be that kid.


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