
I love the fact that no one is perfect. That means we can always be better. Sometimes perfection seems like a daunting task. How are we supposed to become as our Father in Heaven if we make mistakes everyday? It almost feels like to become perfect we have to sit at home reading the Scriptures with no contact to the outside world. Well guess what? We don't. Perfection is possible, no matter how hard it seems, and it all starts with our inherent desire. Our inner soul must be tuned to the promptings of the Spirit that we may act in righteousness immediately when a choice is placed before us. We must accustom ourselves to live without hesitation to do what is right. Remember that the thoughts and judgements of the world mean nothing. All that matters is what God thinks about you, and "we are everything to God" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf October 2011). His "work and [His] glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). You are God's pride and His purpose of living. You were sculpted as a son or daughter of Him with the potential to become perfect for the eternities, you're journey is not a lonely one, for He is always there with you. He will "lead [you], guide [you], walk beside [you]" (I am a Child of God, Hymn 300). Never despair, for tomorrow is a brighter day. Start now, set quantifiable goals  that you can be perfect in. For example, set the goal to read your Scriptures everyday for 15 minutes. This is something measurable, and thus can be reached with perfection every single day. Once you accomplish measurable tasks such as these, the idea of overcoming more difficult challenges will seem easier. The Holy Ghost will give you protection and guidance so that you may conquer all the sins you have. Start today to become perfect. Eternity is a long time, but mortality is not, so we all need to start today on our journey towards perfection. You can make it.


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