
I really have no idea what this post is about, sorry. I don't even have anything major to write about, but I guess I might as well write. Maybe I should write about the important things in life, yeah that sounds good. Well remember that time when you totally flunked a test and came out of class livid, practically with steam coming out of your ears? You might have said a not so nice word and slammed your locker or something. What was the point of that exactly? Is one Algebra 2 test really that important, really so important that you're going to curse someone out of take the Lord's name in vain. Really? No. You're not going to sit on your deathbed regretting that test. Of course, you should strive for good grades and all that jazz, but everyone messes up, just don't let it get over you head. Remember the things that are really most important in life, such as family, Church, the gospel, friends, etc.  But a warning about friends, don't rely too much on them, they could change any day. Keep your best friends close though, if that makes sense. Well, yeah that's my randomness for now, good night world!


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