First things First

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." -Matthew 6:33

You're a high school student, and you've got a lot to do. You've got a lot of stress to make it into college and have a life, or else it seems like you'll be a failure. You have to compete with rigorous classes that require effort and hard work, while juggling a plethora of extracurricular activities, and making enough time for friends and family members. Sometimes the pressure is just too much to handle. Often we get so caught up in the things that seem important, and we neglect what is necessary to our eternal salvation. Scriptures lay untouched for weeks, service is forgotten, prayer is pushed off for a later time, but these are things that we need to be doing everyday. When preaching to the tribes of Israel, Joshua said "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." (Joshua 24:15) He did not say "Choose you a later day whom ye will serve." Things must be done today, because the time you are spending right now is the only time you really have. Only God knows the number of your days upon this earth. What if tomorrow isn't there for you to be better? Be better this very moment, put first things first in your life. Read your Scriptures first, pray morning and night, serve someone in need everyday. If you are not doing something to bring you closer to God everyday, then you are wasting your days. Our eternal purpose here is to make it back to live with God again, so do the things you know are true. Do whatever it takes. Personally, I'm trying to devise lots of organizational methods to keep me on top of what I should be doing. I'm a busy kid, but when I make time for things like Scriptures, everything falls into place. This video from President Henry B. Eyring sums it all up.


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