

Hope that you are all doing well. Here in Las Cabras, everything is good. This week we Zone Conference, Zone training, and this weekend was the San Fernando District conference. So we have been traveling a lot again, and stayed in the Pichidegua house on Friday night and the San Fernando house on Saturday night. But all the conferences and events were really great and inspiring to help us work better.

The work has been moving along in Las Cabras. We have found a few new solid investigators and are excited to work with them. One is named Jose Luis and accepted to be baptised on April 16th. His wife died about a year ago, so the Gospel can really bless him.

Also this week we have been sharing a new video that the Church made for Easter: #Aleluya (or #Hallelujah in English). Its really powerful and talks about the new life we can find through Jesus Christ. We showed it to one new investigator named Gonzalo and he was really touched by the Spirit. He had seen false things online about Mormons, but in the moment that he saw the video was really touched. It was a cool experience. I invite you all to take two short minutes and watch this video. It won´t take much time and I promise that it will make you feel the love that God has for each one of you.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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