The Goats!


This week we have seen that God works in mysterious ways.

First of all, Karina. I´ve written a lot about her. Last week she couldn´t go to church, and we thought she was just out late the night before, but it turns out she had to go to the hospital on Saturday night. And this week, she found out that she has been pregnant for about 2-3 months. (She separated from her husband about two months ago.)  Definitely a surprise. But she previously thought that she couldn´t have any more children, so it´s a miracle. And because she is pregnant, she has stopped drinking, smoking, and drinking tea and coffee AKA she is living the Word of Wisdom. It´s sad that her future daughter won´t have a dad in the picture, but this week we gave her "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" to help her see the value of raising children in the Gospel. She is progressing well, and should be able to be baptised in the next transfer.

Second, Luis. Another investigator who has desires to change, but works a lot, so we haven´t been able to find him much. But last week, he had an accident with an electric saw and cut deeply into his leg. Pretty terrible of course, but he realized that he could have easily died from the injury and now he is wondering why he is still here. He wants to know more about God´s plan. With the injury, he is home all the time, so we are teaching him and offering comfort.

Third, Elizabeth. She is a friend of another investigator who wasn´t progressing. She has struggled with depression, and has three boys. This week we were able to have a lesson with her and she accepted a baptismal date for April 9th. She is super great, and her kids are cute (they like to play soccer with us in the street).

So yeah Molina is great. But this week is transfers.... and I am leaving! Tomorrow I head out to Las Cabras, which is part of the Peumo branch in the San Fernando Zone. My new compañero will be Elder Llavilla (try pronouncing that), a Peruano who just finished being trained. It will be awesome to be with someone younger than me, and I am excited for the change. Also Las Cabras literally translates to The Goats. So yeah, I am moving to the Goats. 

It´s sad to leave Molina, but I did my work here. When I came, not much was going on in the missionary work. Now there are lots of investigators progressing and ltos of good things going on. Obviously, I didn´t do everything, but I am happy with my time in Molina and ready for a new challenge.

As it says in D&C 64:33 "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye arelaying the foundation of a great work. And out of smallthings proceedeth that which is great."

Have a great week!

- Elder Richards


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