Escucha la voz del Profeta


I hope you have all had a great week. Things are going well here in Las Cabras, and we took advantage of the Semana Santa (as they say here in Chile) to teach as many people as possible about Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was a long holiday weekend for Easter, so we were able to find lots of people in their houses. 

We have several investigators who we are working with, and one super great couple is Gonzalo y Rosa. They have had a lot of doubts about getting involved with any religion. When we passed by the other day Gonzalo came out and told us he didnt want to involve himself with any religion, but we talked him through it and he let us in to teach. We taught about the Restoration and they both seemed much calmer and very interested in hearing more. This Gospel is for literally everyone, and there will always be obstacles to following it. Each of us needs to have the courage to follow what we know is right.

Also, this upcoming weekend is General Conference! Thats the twice-a-year event where the leaders of the Church speak, including the Prophet and Apostles. I know that if we individually prepare to listen to the prophet, we can receive specific answers to our problems. I invite you all to think about personal problems that you have and prayerfully seek answers by listening to part of this weeks conference online. More information here.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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